People need to express and be heard.
Last night Eric and I went to 2250 N. High, Kafe Kerouac for their open mic night. It kicks off around 10 on Thursdays. I love intimate productions of any kind, so it was no surprise I enjoyed it. Kafe Kerouac recently incorporated a new room and is becoming quite the cultured space. Next week, there's some improv comedy on Wednesday night and some small theater companies dropping by to perform soon as well.
Open mic was hosted by Allison who kicked things off with a poetry reading. "Those dudes over there" did a 3 person scripted routine I kind of liked. Greg played a couple Martin Sexton tunes (who is playing at the Newport next week), nice job. This was followed by a guitarist in the process of assembling a band called the Poppies (they're looking for a drummer); he sang a song I believe named Space Station Stereo. I liked it too. Next up: Dru. Allison introduced him as "the peacemaker" in reference to his intervention at an earlier conference at Kerouac. Dru sauntered to the stage with a tattered legal pad and didn't look promising. Within a minute, the 30 or so onlookers were rendered motionless and silent. I'm unqualified to evaluate poetry, but it was more of an experience than a reading. Dru presented another piece and a duo strummed until a smoking break. School night, had to leave.
Drop by sometime, it's a fun night. Tell Mike I sent you and he'll give you a free latté. But, do me a favor, tip him about $2.75 for it because he runs a great place.
Dave who?
Hey Rose,
Dave of dave's beer.
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