I don't read for pleasure, I read for utility. I like to learn, I just don't enjoy reading. Given that I have periods in the day I like to do exercise, monotonous exercise - it's where I zone out and relax - I decided to try an audiobook. Kind of pricey, but so far it's been interesting. I'm "reading" a selection in history now, John Battelle's "The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture." It's an interesting experience.
I should be listening to it now instead of boring you all with this drivel. Pride parade tomorrow - we'll all be there.
I really want a iphone 3S too.
Wow - this is strange, but maybe not. I don't read for pleasure either. I also read to learn. You should see my library listings. I just love to learn - about all kinds of things. Some strange, some not. Interesting.
They have audiobooks at the library, don't they?
My trouble is, these kids are always getting into something, so I have to keep my ears tuned to their mischief. Audiobooks, iPods...all out.
Yes, for a second I mixed up Audible's offering's from the simple books on CD at the library. I actually reserved a selection from Ann Coulter. Not much of a waiting list from Whetstone - surprising.
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