my food site is weber_cam

March 23, 2007

Here goes ...

rsvp's are trickling in and in approximately 48 hours, somewhere between 5 11 and 18 bunnies and accompanying parents will descend upon the ranch.

We have stuff ready for them, but much needs to be done. I don't think we'll ever be ready, but we'll be preparing a station for bubble art, scads of bubble blowing paraphanelia will be on the deck outside, a treasure hunt is being planned, party favors are being prepared, hot dogs/carrots/juice & pretzels are on the menu (and Spinelli's bagels , coffee and Bloody Marys for the adults brave enough to stick around).

Wish us luck (or send valium). Have a good weekend all. Photos on Frankie's site when the "event" is finished.

And, tunes by Loopy Moose.


Anonymous said...

The valium will work better then luck. Tell Frankie Happy Birthday

Donna Morano (LOL Schroeder)

Dave said...

I've been listening to sesame street radio all day to evaluate if it's a good choice for the little monsters and I think I'm going insane.

... yeah, valium, send me some!