my food site is weber_cam

March 24, 2007

Calm before the storm


Most of the bubble stuff's out (got some nifty stuff in hiding), food, favors, etc. ready.

If there is a god, please, just this once, make it not rain tomorrow, and please don't let a kid stuff the toilet with all of our toilet paper ... or just send heaps of valium.

Ha, ha, ha. - update - 3/28/07
I'm at my girl's daycare today and I heard the reccommendation for little kid parties is one friend for every year of her life. According to this formula we should've had 4 friends to Frankie's rather than the 20 or so that showed up. And, no melt-downs! Guess we got lucky.


Anonymous said...

So how did it go!? :)


Dave said...

Hey Jon,

I'm still recuperating. I think we were expecting approximately 5-8 Bunnies (her daycare cohort) and we got about 20 or so. Needless, it was a tad overwhelming.

But, thanks to the help of the parents that were brave enough to come, it could not have been more fun. There were millions of bubbles and playing and eating and toys, etc.,

I don't know why, but after a day, I still feel like I'm in a coma. I think the build up, the extreme preparation and all took a lot out of me. I now know why there exists a horrid establishment like Chuck E. Cheese's and I no longer look down upon parents who use this venue as a party place.

And, group 2 of her friends get together on Wednesday night (but, it's a much more subdued gang).