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March 28, 2007

Sprouting Mung Beans, Sprouting Kids

Sprouting Mung Beans

Today is Frankie's birthday and on her birthday, I usually spend the day with her at her school (last year she was sick at home). I planned a polymer experiment used to sprout mung beans for the gang and they had a blast with it. I couldn't engage them longer than a Sponge Bob episode, but I got them interested for at least a few minutes.

She's napping as I type this. I thought I'd escape so she wouldn't be distracted getting down for nap. She's a tad distractable and a little active you know.

Well, I get until 3 to recover and then back to the Bunny room for afternoon celbratory brownie treats!

The image posted is of some of the bunnies' experiments hanging on the window. They'll be making daily observations on the sprouting.

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