Used tires? Hideous 400 lb, concrete, garden, cherub fountain? Gone. I've done it.
However, the lure of free stuff is tough to resist. Many offers proceed thusly: receive 50 interested inquiries in less than a few minutes, busily begin working through the list and try to line up someone to pick up the item. It is frustrating and frequently ends in no-shows and people who leave town after 10 email volleys. arrrgh.
I recently purchased dog food that didn't agree with the Queen, our dog Suze. I had a bunch leftover. Not cheap either. Perfectly packaged (a can) to give away with no worries. This time I decided to try to make it a tidier and more convenient transaction. I stated in the offer I would only read requests that were legible and that were composed of full sentences - capitalization, punctuation - the works. My grammar is pretty bad, so it might sound like a hypocritical request, but I didn't want a text message. I said I interpret that kind of message as careless and not serious about the transaction. For example, I would not consider the person who wrote
i want the fud 4 my hungri dog as i can use it dog for my --thx ;) **&^ heeheeI thought I'd be flamed. Emails poured in agreeing with my sentiment. The food was taken from my driveway within 30 minutes of the post to the first responder. A Freecycle first.
That. is. awesome!
Tho I mst say im srprsd u didnt get flmd. Srsly.
Crud...there's no freecycle in MN. I have a giant heavy picture window with a bad seal I need to get rid of. Tht sux!
Hey Nancy, Search for a local "franchise" at There's a bunch in MN.
4 sr.
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