1. Text GOOGL (46645) a query: weather cmh and it immediately spits back the 3 day forecast! I just did "hometown buffet (stop laughing you snobs) 43202" and am still waiting.
2. Call 800-GOOG-411 for information, e.g., "domino's pizza, cleveland" and you hear the closest eight matches or say "text message" and phone number zapped to you as a text.
3. Text an appointment to GVENT (48368), e.g. 3 pm dentist appt, (don't know how to put in the date, gotta try it) and it's in the calendar.
I texted a word to 46645 a couple of weeks back, and the GOOG texted me at least 50 times over the next eight hours telling me that it couldn't find anything about my search term.
That, however, is an outlier. Most of the instances have been pretty awesome.
Ouch, that could add up if you don't have one of those infinite text plans. I tried a word this morning it just couldn't do. I think it has to be an unambiguous search. "weather cmh" is kind of tough to screw up, "excited state of gaseous calcium" was a bit ambitious.
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