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May 29, 2011

Another item struck from the list

We have this super secret list of parenting insecurities and questions we share with (almost) no one, like:
Did co-sleeping destroy our child's chance for happiness like the pediatrician promised?
Will she learn to swim?
Does she understand just how unattractive Kat von D really is?
Will she learn to ride a bike (without training wheels)?
Will she be a yoga instructor when she grows up?
Will she be fiscally responsible?
Will she ever learn that Kraft mac n cheese is toxic?
Will she marry Ethan?
Will she ever teach me how to pronounce a French r and u?
and so on...

Today we scratch one off the list (to make room for another)

circa 2004

circa. 3 pm today


Unknown said...

Wow, look at her ride! Go Frankie! Man, Dave, she is really growing up!

Peggy said...

A definite 'Thumbs Up', Frankie. You're well on your way to out-cycling Mom & Dad.
Love Grandma