my food site is weber_cam

March 16, 2006

Is it time to get extra toilet paper?

I've been following the Bird Flu virus stuff on Yahoo! news and don't know if I should get a couple 5 pounders or the 25 pound bag of flour this weekend (and of course, extra toilet paper). Getting kind of scary. Is a pandemic imminent? Leave your paranoid thoughts in the comments.


Anonymous said...


jessafran said...

surfed here through blogmad and wanted to say hello... i'm get excited when i stumble across people from the great buckeye state (lived there for 27 years before coming to indiana... yeah- i'm still trying to figure that out).

love the pic on your blog design... adorable!

Dave said...

Thanks for your kind comments Jessica. I heard about blogmad but I guess you still need an invite to join. I'll be keeping an eye on it.

Anonymous said...

I personally get a thrill out of hoarding food; I've done it since I was a kid. Once I had a stash of bread and jelly in my bedroom closet (until the jelly leaked out onto the carpet).

I often fantasize about how I would stack a 6 months supply of water, beans and flour (and toilet paper) in the basement. I wonder if this is some kind of psychopathology?

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what to think about this! I do admit though, I have a 3 day supply of food stored away. But 6 months of food?? I don't know if I could afford to store that. LOL!!
Dave, don't forget to get a bucket to store away with the toilet paper. :-)

Dave said...

Hmmm, bucket. Never considered that one. Yikes.

Anonymous said...

Very nervous. Very very very nervous.