my food site is weber_cam

March 5, 2008

Tonight, we will eat spaghetti and meatballs!


tinotchka said...

Yay! The heat is on!

Anonymous said...

I'm not the most environmentally concerned citizen, but I couldn't help obsess a bit about how dependent we are on fossil fuel. Scary. A mere 24 hours and we were flipped upside down.

Meatballs were exquisite though.

Not Important said...

Hooray for gaseous hydrocarbons!

Betty said...

Glad to see that all is well now. It doesn't take much to realize how easy we have it even if it is caused by our dependencies.

Anonymous said...

It is kind of scary how much we have and how quickly we can be made disabled.

I think we need to construct a yert or something out in the backyard.